Miguna Miguna: I Do NOT Have Cancer

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Former constitutional advisor to Raila Odinga, Miguna Miguna has come out to refute claims that he is suffering from cancer.

A local blog had disclosed that Miguna may be suffering from the dreaded disease, after making several visits to a Nairobi cancer facility. 

Apparently, he had even applied for a South African Visa on medical grounds, ostensibly to seek better treatment.

Through his friend Onyango Oloo, he of Jukwaa Forum, the 'Peeling Back The Mask' author has stated that he is very healthy.

Speaking of the rumours, Miguna said, "I've seen them. Malicious stupidity. How do such things help them?"
"My Brother, Advise/inform them that thankfully, I am healthy, thanks to Nyasaye!" he added. 

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