Traffic Cameras Go Live in Nairobi

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Following the installation of CCTV cameras on major roads around the Kenyan capital, could road accidents and traffic violations be a thing in the past? Nairobi drivers have to be on the look out since the traffic cameras are now almost operational.

The cameras will be online 24/7, and whether it's in congested traffic jam, free flowing traffic or late at night big brother's watching. Evidence for any traffic offence will be there in digital format, and probably if the court says so, printed on paper. With capabilities of zooming on the number plate, traffic offenders should be very worried.

A total of 51 cameras have been installed within the city enabling live video streaming as well as recording for future necessities.

The areas covered include: Kenyatta National Hospital, Country Bus Station, Muthurwa Market, Kirinyaga Road, Gikomba and Machakos.

The cameras are also positioned at the city's Kencom House Bus stage, Ambassador Bus stage, Railways terminus, Tea Room, Odeon Cinema, KICC, Afya House, Macmillan Library, Gill House, City Market, GPO, Cross Road, OTC, and Nyayo House among other locations.
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