Wednesday 13 November 2013

According to a report released by a United Kingdom based Non Government Organization (NGO), poverty levels have increased in the country for the past 10 years due to poor governance, ancient farming methods and too much expectation from the Government.

In a report released on Monday , the NGO which was sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ranked poverty levels according to tribes and regions.In terms of regions, Rift Valley was the richest region, followed by Central Kenya, Nairobi came third, Eastern fourth, Western fifth, Nyanza sixth, Coast region seventh and North Eastern region the last in the rankings. Here is poverty levels according to tribes.

Top ten RICHEST tribes in Kenya
1 . Kikuyu
2. Kalenjin
3. Luhya
4. Kisii
5 .Meru
6. Embu
7. Kuria
8. Maasai
10. Kamba

 Top ten POOREST Tribes in Kenya.
1 . Luo
2. Ribe
3. Samburu.
4. Turkana

5. Rendille
6. Okiek.
7. Oromo
8. Digo
9 .Chonyi
10. Kauma.

Source: Melinda Gates Foundation.
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